"Worship is about God: "From him and through him and to him are all things to him be the glory forever" -Romans 11:36.
From him: Everything is from God. He is the creator.
Through him: Nothing happens that surprises God. He is sovereign. He is in control of the smallest details of our lives.
To him: All worship terminates in him. He is the goal of worship, not us. We won't be worried about feeling God's presence in heaven. Yet, we will still worship.
Worship is about us as well. It is about us offering all that we are as a living sacrifice (the verse that follows Romans 11:36) all the time. We see and give glory to God by surrendering our lives to the one who gave us life, the one who is working in all of our circumstances, the one who one day will be the focus of all of creation. Don't worship worship. Worship the three-in-one God."
Darrin Patrick, read the full article here