"Idolatry in your heart and in my heart starts with a desire. And the desire isn't inherently wicked or wrong. We have a desire to have a nice house. We have a desire to drive a nice car. Wehave a desire to have a relatively in shape body. We have a desire for our kids to excel in athletics. We have a desire that we have money in the bank. We have a desire that we're safe. And there is nothing wrong with any of those things, nothing. It is not wrong to want a nice house. It is not wrong or sinful. It is not wrong or sinful to want your kids to be safe. It is not wrong or sinful to want a little cash. It's not wrong or sinful to want things relatively easy. It's not wrong or sinful to want to be in shape or want to look good. It's just not. It starts with a desire.Matt Chandler - heart matters pt2
Think of it as this thing in the palm of our hands. It starts as a simple desire. And then over time, the hand begins to close and we say, “This is no longer negotiable.” And then all of a sudden, the nice house, the nice car, safety, our kid's athletic career, money in the pocket, in the bank, non-negotiable. And now, you have the birthing of an idol. And what ends up happening is we say, “God, do whatever You want...God be who You are, but don't touch this. Don't touch this. Don't touch work, because in work, I find achievement and I find self value. So, I'll do whatever You say, but I'm not quitting this job....Don't risk my kids. Do whatever You want, but I want my kids to be safe....Do whatever You want, but I want my neighborhood to be safe....Do whatever You want, but I want...” And what ends up happening is that hand closes and we say, “This is not longer negotiable.” And an idol has been born."
listen to the full sermon here, or read it here