"Christ came to restore people to the purpose they were made for: to live every aspect of their lives in worshipful, obedient submission to Him. He accomplishes this by breathing life into dead hearts so that we grasp our need for Him. He lives sinlessly, keeping the law on our behalf. He lays down his life as a penalty for sin, so that we can be fully forgiven. He adopts us into his family, giving us all the rights and privileges of his children. He daily conforms us to His own image. He enables us by His grace to do what is right. His Spirit lives inside us, convicting of sin, illuminating truth, and giving us the power to obey. He places us in the body of Christ where we can learn and grow. He rules over every event for His glory and our good. He makes us the objects of his eternal, redemptive love."
Paul Tripp, Instruments in the Redeemers hands