"Spiritually middle class people understand that comfort and security is a byproduct of their hard work and, because they work hard they’re entitled to the luxury of choosing what best fits their needs. We call this “shopping”. They think because they tithe, they serve in a local church, they raise their kids well and, are good citizens, that God ought to hand them a good, comfortable, and, secure life and that, the community ought to exists for them instead of them for the community. As soon as a better “service” is offered around the corner, off they go because at the end of the day, it’s all about their needs...For the most part, such people have never seen themselves as spiritually bankrupt. In Jesus’ words: as “poor in spirit”. They have never understood that they once were spiritually helpless and hopeless, completely dependent on mercy. The idea that a rich God became poor for their sakes so that through his poverty spiritual wealth is attained is a foreign concept to them. If it weren’t, consumerism would not be their driving lifestyle. They’d be sacrificial and missional instead.People that have come out of spiritual poverty not to a middle class faith but to one that has made them filthy-rich, are always praying selflessly, always looking for more opportunities to give than to receive, to meet needs instead of having needs met, to live more in community instead of isolated spiritual suburbia."
Felipe Assis, What's wrong with middle class christianity? (read the full thing here)