"My identity is also
wrapped up in the performance of my children. On the days that they are
sweet and obedient and lovely to be around, I do the pageant walk. Head
held high, with a bit of a swagger. On the days where they are unkind,
disobedient, and all together unlovely, I am angry and depressed.
have some how decided that my identity the truth about who I am, is
tied to my children's performance and their love for me. I have decided
that this is the fig leaf I will use to take away my shame and my
nakedness. My child's love and obedience is what I have often used as my
own good works to make me acceptable before God. I have stopped loving
them and started using them...
I must remind myself
that my identity is not tied up in my mothering. The truth is I am a
terrible mom; this is why I need a Savior... When I am resting in his
work, I am free to love my kids the way I've been loved. He does not
love me based on my performance, but rather, based on the performance of
my Savior. Because of that truth, I can love my children freely and