worth a read

If you don't follow justworshipgod on twitter, then you may miss out on some links to good articles that we have read. Here are the articles that are worth a read this week:

"science, suffering and sex - they are not your problem with Christianity"

"This is what it boils down2 4many in the church: replacing the centrality of the cross with something more appealing"

RT : Eight Ways To Tell That I Might Be A Pharisee -

"I experienced what I call a ‘gospel convulsion.’"

“By what standard?”

"we show up for times of gathered worship having given no attention to the preparation of our hearts and minds"

Gluttony is based on the lie that food is more pleasurable than God

"fruits of legalism: gracelessness, hypocrisy and joylessness" Read:

False gods don’t love you. Idols don’t keep their promises

six habits of highly ineffective Bible study