"If there is no appetite for God’s Word, this is a real problem to be faced, not a temporary and irrelevant matter to be by-passed. View this as a warning light flashing on the dashboard of your life and don’t pretend it isn’t there.My approach when I sense there is an issue of appetite and desire is to follow advice Ron gave me years ago – be brutally honest with God about it and pray out loud. Somehow I find I can’t get very far into a prayer where I’m telling God that His book isn’t very well written and everything else is more attractive and compelling to me…before I know it I find myself feeling convicted and broken before the cross. As a close friend sometimes puts it, when there is sin you should feel bad!Then in broken repentance I find I want to respond to God again and so open my Bible in order to hear from Him and respond to Him.So am I saying only read the Bible when you feel like it?No, I’m saying we need to read the Bible whether we feel like it or not. However, the solution isn’t a gritting of the teeth, but a recognition that the lack of appetite and desire is a serious issue, an indicator of a spiritual problem. Consequently it is better to take the state of my heart seriously, rather than dismissing and by-passing it."
Peter Mead, I don't feel like reading my Bible