Once we were:
- dead in trespasses and sins v1 & v5
- following the course of the world v2
- following the prince of the power of the air v2
- living among the sons of disobediance v3
- living in the passions of our flesh v3
- carrying out the desires of the body and the mind v3
- children of wrath v3
- sepaprated from Jesus v12
- alienated from God's people v12
- strangers to God's promises v12
- no hope v12
- without God v12
- far off v13
- strangers v19
- aliens v19
now we are:
- in christ
- loved v4
- made alive v5
- saved by grace v5 & v8
- raised up with Jesus v6
- seated in the heavenly places with Jesus v6
- shown kindness v7
- not judged on our works v9
- brought near v13
- no longer hostile to God and others v14&16
- at peace v14-15
- reconciled to God v16
- reconciled to each other
- have access to the Father v18
- citizens v19
- members of the household of God v19
- being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit v22